Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Place

            There are many places that represent peace to people in the world.  This summer I got to spend some time at my place of peace, the beach.  I enjoy watching the water.  It is a place where I feel I can just sit and be.  I enjoy watching my children play.  The boys ride wave after wave and every so often bite it.  I got to sit back and watch them get up and “shake it off” and return to the very waves that just sent them sprawling.  It occurred to me that we have to do that in life.  Events occur that send us sprawling face down and eventually we have to climb up and get back to life.  The question is do we do it with fear and trembling or with a sense of adventure and positive expectation?  I, I must admit, usually return with great fear.  I’ve have come to believe in my inner-most being that the proverbial floor is always about to drop out from underneath me.  This is no way to live.  It is draining and frankly no fun.  I want to have the joy that my younger son possesses.  He is a child of great passion.  Joy and furry course through him and boy does he know how to have fun!  He wants to be able to fly, never mind the impossibility of this.  It looks adventurous, so he wants to do it.  This is a gift.  We all need to possess this care-freeness that comes so easily to him.  I have spent many hours at the beach throughout my life.  This year however, I came away with something more than just nice pictures.  As this school year unfolds, I am resolving to meet each wipeout, not with fear, but with expectation of the adventure that is to come.

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