Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Serenity Now!

            This is my first attempt at blogging.  I do not consider myself a good writer, but I have learned the therapeutic value of writing at times.  I chose serenity now as my blog title for a couple of reasons.  First, I believe we all desire peace in our lives, but for many reasons peace seems to elude most of us.  Secondly, I have found in my life that peace is not always an absence of chaos, but a condition of the mind.  There is a Seinfeld episode in which George’s dad shouts out “Serenity now!”, whenever he feels stressed.  I have done that myself half-jokingly, but I do believe there is some truth in it.  Ultimately, I believe that true peace comes from recognizing who I am in relation to my Creator, but practically speaking, that doesn’t always work when there are four small children screaming at you.
            I don’t know that I have any grand aspirations with this new project other than to share some of my thoughts/struggles with marriage and motherhood and how that is blended with working outside of the home.  Each day is a new day with no mistakes in it as Anne Shirley would say, and I try to remind myself of that as I get up. 

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